What is Tribus Polaris?

What is Tribus Polaris?
Learn about phase one of Carlo’s latest writing project, which plays out over multiple social media platforms including Instagram and Twitter.

I’ve always been writing in some capacity. But the troubles of the past few months have reminded me that life’s too short to keep our stories to ourselves.

Enter Tribus Polaris (pronounced however you want). This is my repository for microfiction – complete, petite stories that fit in one post or tweet. New stories have been unfolding daily on Instagram or Twitter, and I may occasionally share some on Facebook too. (If there’s enough interest, I could also create an FB page…)

What kind of stories can you expect? I’ve been posting for a week now; here’s some of what I’ve written about:

  • Mythic milk that prolongs the lifespan of its drinkers
  • An astronaut traveling to San Diego for a burrito
  • A Jack Sparrow impersonator with an incredible talent
  • The deficiencies of a business model that “sells seashells by the seashore”

…So yeah, basically anything is fair game. 🙂 As a microfiction writer I am drawn to science fiction, fantasy, magical realism (subtle magic within the normal world), the absurd and surreal (anything goes), and dark humor. But really, there’s something for everyone.

As mentioned previously, this is phase one of Tribus Polaris. The second phase may help explain what this phrase means, so sit tight. In the meantime, enjoy the very short stories!

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Some samples of my work:

You can follow Carlo Victa on Instagram and Twitter.

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